Appointment Frequency is Everything to Early Profitability in Pet Grooming (AUDIO)

Using the Time Range Grooming Price System Worksheets

We suggest you first read two articles in the Summer Edition of Magazine 2019, free reading online. They are:

How to Easily Set Your Grooming Time Standards (page 29)

Time Range Grooming Prices (page 39)

Click here or click cover below.



The articles in the magazine above had several illustrations for Time Range worksheets that you can manually copy or print. However we will send you a custom Excel spreadsheet version (even better features) on request. Remember, only accept Excel (.xls) files from a trusted source. Never open them from an unknown source and when you did not request the file!

Email us your request. [email protected] (use active link in the Contact section of this blog). During office hours we will email the Excel file to you at no charge. Below are some written instructions for the Excel version but we suggest you listen to the audio file instructions too.


The layout of the Excel version is simplified and easiest to use. If you requested a free copy of the Excel to be sent to you, but want to learn more immediately, here is a PDF illustration of the Excel version.

Download Grooming-box-time-range-pricing-system-hour-field-version-1-excel

You cannot use it as a spreadsheet of course, but you can start learning about its benefits now while you wait for your free Excel version.  This is best view on a desktop monitor.

For Excel audio instructions use this link:


For Excel written instructions, read below:

Based on our firsthand experience we know for certain that most groomers do not use a "business grooming hourly rate" to set the prices for their grooming services. Some come close, others don't. Most often the variances happen when setting their prices for large dogs and substantially coated dogs with more styling requirements.

Equivalent consideration given to grooming time is a fair basis for all grooming services. You don't have to charge by the hour for each groom. We are not suggesting you literally charge by the hour for every client. We are talking about using time to set prices you can even post and distribute in writing, advertising or on a website if that is your choice.

In a nutshell, what are you selling to pet owners? YOUR GROOMING TIME. There may be costs such as product used for every groom, but those costs enable you to charge for your time. You, the service provider, are the keystone of your business operation. Doesn't an attorney charge for their time? Sure. It makes sense to set your price ranges based on a business hourly rate applied to typical time ranges for grooming any breed or mixed breed pets. It is the ONLY way to make sure your profitability is accurate for every groom, and your prices are fairly computed for your entire clientele. 

Example your business hourly rate is $60. Even if you have bathers and/or groomers, use that hourly rate for the business. No special rates per groomer or bather. 

Miniature Schnauzer: 45 to 60 minutes time range

If the Business Hourly Rate is $60 hour, the price range is $45 to $60. Always use 15 minute ranges for every breed, mixed breed or cat on the worksheets. The price for the lower time range, $45 in this example, is for a typical Miniature Schnauzer full grooming, commercially clipped not hand stripped. The pet would be within normal standards of hair overgrown, not excessively soiled, not largely behavioral where extra time is required for its care and comfort, and not requiring an abnormal amount of dematting. If those factors are present, including the possibility of being quite obese as some groomers do charge extra for that characteristic, the high range compensates you for the added time factors the groom required. In this case your higher range up to $60 would compensate for the added time.

Here is a sample of inequality in time-based pricing we often see when businesses are not getting accurately paid for the time spent. It usually occurs in the price ranges for large dogs and/or naturally heavy coated pets with demanding styling time.

Assume your time range for a Toy Poodle is 40 to 55 minutes. At a $60 hourly rate for grooming price range would be $40 to $55. Compare this situation to a Great Pyrenees with a time range of 120 to 135 minutes. That's exactly 3 times more grooming time than a Toy Poodle. Therefore, the grooming price range should be exactly 3 times more than a Toy Poodle, $120 to $135. After reviews of hundreds of price sheets of grooming businesses we found the odds large dogs not being adequately priced was almost certain. In the example above, the Pyrs grooming range was more likely to be $90 to $110, not $120 to $135.

By using time-based grooming prices you can ensure that all pet owners are paying your expected business hourly rate. Your business income will increase without "overcharging." The Time Range Pricing System ensures your profitability for every groom. It is likely you will see more income for your business at year end once you put the system in place. It is entirely fair to all of your clientele because you are simply basing your prices on the set business rate for your grooming time. 

You may ask, what is my business hourly rate. We will be covering that topic in a future post.

Add-on Fees

You may add to the grooming prices in your completed worksheet. The most common add-on fees are:

  • Dematting fees for pets with above normal matting.
  • Special care treatments, such as vet-prescribed treatments which must sit on a pet for several minutes.
  • Exceptional behavioral pets requiring above normal grooming times.
  • Creative grooming.
  • Add-on "spa" services and optional product.
  • Hand-stripping versus commercial grooming if not already specified on your worksheet.

Worksheet Instructions for Excel Version:

Enter your business hourly rate in dollars and cents at the top of each table. We suggest the same rate for both tables. Such as $60.00. 

For every line of both tables listing dogs and cats enter a TIME stated only in minutes. The range of time from low to high should always be 15 minutes. For example, Afghan bath only service 60 to 75 minutes. Enter 60 in the Minutes Low column and 75 in the Minutes High column. Immediately you will the spreadsheet has calculated the Afghan price range in dollars and cents as you enter the time numbers.

Important enter MINUTES ONLY, not HOURS. If a groom is expected to take 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours, convert hours and minutes to just minutes. In this case example you should convert the time entry to 90 to 120 minutes. 

Minimum Grooming Charge Option

If you believe there should a be a 1/2 hour minimum grooming fee for all clientele, do this. Once you have completely filled in the worksheets, review the Low and High Minutes columns for any figures under 30 minutes.  Assume your worksheet shows a Doxie bath-only service is 20 to 35 minutes, adjust the 20 minutes to 30 minutes. The new range would be 30 to 35 minutes. You are not likely to have many of these adjustments but it does ensure that you always receive your minimum 1/2 hour grooming charge.

Business Operating Costs

Some groomers how their operating costs are being recouped. For example, the Great Pyrenees groom uses more shampoo, conditioner, electricity and the like. Our answer. Yes it does. As you will learn in our future post on this subject, your Business Hourly Rate entered on the Time Range worksheet covers all overhead, including rent, utilities, license, fees, insurance, payroll taxes, benefits, literally everything considered an "operating expense" on a standard Profit/Loss Statement used in bookkeeping. In fact if you are a sole proprietor the Schedule C you file with your long form 1040 is an example of a Profit/Loss format. 

Attorneys charge by the hour in a similar fashion, but may bill you for out of pocket expenses such as paying a court filing fee on your behalf. That's fair. Groomers do not really have these type of out of pocket expenses. Attorneys have included their rents, utilities etc in their hourly based fees, and you can too. Again, we will explain precisely how to figure your business hourly rate in a separate post here in this blog.






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Mobile Pet Groomer

Thank you so much for spending the time to put this together! I'm in the process of starting my own pet grooming business and I'm so grateful you have provided all of this information. I was absolutely making the same mistake you mention with large dogs. I don't know why, but I didn't think of doing a payment linked directly with the amount of time spent grooming! So happy I found your website, I will be a regular visitor. Best wishes!

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