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Material for soundproofing your grooming business, even mobile vans or trailers

In our title Pet Grooming Floor Plan Concepts we discuss and illustrate ways to reduce noise. Grooming is noisy! We all know that and it brings up two big issues. Stress! Raising your voice over sounds like HV dryers the entire workday results in stress. The second issue is maintaining compatibility with tenants where you share walls. Some groomers have remodeled their garages into a grooming space and noise can travel to neighbors. Avoid that! 

Floor Plan Concepts discusses "sound closets" for machinery commonly used by groomers including central vacs, hv boxes, washer dryers, generators and clipper vacs. What about shared walls? Sure there are sound reducing materials that will help. Also we discuss silent rooms that can sometimes double as a cattery room for grooming cats separate from the canines.

We came across an amazing "space age" product that can reduce noise up to 100%. It comes in rolls and is about 1/8 inch thick. It's called Acousti-block and it works. Now you can truly sound proof walls, even sub-floors. Yes mobile groomers can reduce generator noise too! It's a must see. Here is a short YouTube demonstration.

Once you have viewed the video, visit their extensive website. The photo gallery with demonstrations of the product in use is very large and helpful. They have helpful videos how to cut the membrane material that come in rolls and apply to walls, floors and even freestanding frame standalone structures in which you may put equipment. Go to www.acoustiblock.com.


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