Current Affairs

"Food" For Thought

As many of you may know I have developed a pulmonary condition over the course of my grooming career. Some refer to it as “groomers lung” while the diagnosis for my condition  is bronchiectasis. I have suffered for many years with this condition of a chronic cough that never lets up. It is physically and mentally draining and incapacitating  in so many ways. Daily use of inhalers, nebulizers as well as frequent courses of antibiotics is the norm.  I honestly felt that this disease was going to be the death of me. While traveling and presenting seminars I would withdraw from using inhalers to suppress the cough just so I could get through the day. Not the smartest thing to do as suppressing the cough could lead to lung infections. However, it was the only way I could get through a presentation without coughing constantly.

While on Facebook one day an ad came up about “juicing”. I started to do a little research and the one thing that caught my eye was a list of vegetable and greens that could improve lung function. So I thought it was worth a shot. At this point I would do anything to help this condition. So on November 1st, 2016 I went out and bought a juicer and a book “Reboot with Joe”. I posted many of my juices on Facebook, which I’m sure many of you have seen. I was really enjoying it and playing around with different ingredients.  In January I started to lose some weight. I started to have more energy and felt overall in better health.

February rolled around and I noticed that I wasn’t coughing half as much. It was hard to believe. Once in a while I would have a period of time that was better than others so I assumed it would start up again any day. Here we are into March and I am not coughing at all! Could this be the new norm? I don’t know and only time will tell. However, I still take my inhaler in the morning just in case. If anyone is taking inhalers you know that it opens up your airways. For me this meant that within an hour I would be coughing up all kinds of mucus. Now, when I take my inhaler I don’t cough at all.

I only have a juice in the morning. It always consists of some sort of combination of apples, blueberries, melon, carrots, sweet potatoes , lemon, spinach, kale, beets, celery and cucumber.  I keep the fruit to a minimum as it is high is sugar. I have also changed my diet dramatically. I cut out all sugar, carbs, breads, meat, processed foods and dairy. Although, I do treat myself now and again but I try to stick to it 90% of the time. I don't consider myself a vegetarian or a vegan, just eating healthier.  Is it difficult? No, not when I am seeing the results. It is worth it to me!

New studies reveal that lung tissue can be regenerated by increasing vitamin A levels and adding beta-carotene and leafy greens to your diet.  I have been juicing 6 carrots every day since I started along with spinach and kale at least every other day. This is crazy!

I am almost afraid to publish this in fear of jinxing myself. However, all I know is that I feel like a new person.  I forgot what it was like to not have a cough. I will continue to juice every morning as I feel that it is helping my condition and I feel fantastic!

I highly recommend watching the documentary "Forks Over Knives" on Netflix. It really made me think twice about my eating habits.

Cheers to a healthier lifestyle!