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Ways to make more money in 2019

When asked, most groomers will say the only way to make more money is to “do more dogs”.  While this could be true, it could mean longer days and more exhaustion.  There are easier ways to give yourself a raise in this new year.

The Right Tools for the Job

Guard combs are one of the easiest ways to speed up your grooming while reducing hand stress.  Consistency and the ability to customize the haircut just by switching out guard combs gives you plenty of options to please any pet parent. 

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Chunkers” are oversized thinning shears or blending shears with wider teeth.  They can be used for the entire groom or in conjunction with scissor or guard comb work.  Chunkers give a beautiful natural finish in no time while erasing minor imperfections in the coat.

High velocity dryers can be used in many creative ways.  These dryers force excess water from bathed coats, but they can do so much more. Did you know you could use these before the bath to force out loose undercoat, shedding hair and loosening tangles?  They can even force out dirt, dust, and dander making it easier to get the pet clean. If the pet has light to mild matting in their coat, once clean, a powerful HV dryer will literally blow the worst of the tangles out. How easy is that?

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Software can help you keep track of your appointment scheduling, client and pet information, timeclock data, payroll, inventory, and your transactions. 

Up-Graded Products or Extra Services

For many pet parents, nothing is too good for their pets.  But pet parents won’t know what their choices are unless you make them aware.  Menus and signs are one way to advertise, but nothing beats a solid recommendation from their pet’s grooming expert.         

Specialty products won’t usually cost you much more, but the outcome is valuable to the pet and pet parent.  Anti-Itch shampoos, Facial Scrubs, Odor Control Sprays, and Coat Remoisturizing are some of the favorites.        

Specialty services can also create more income.  Shed Control, Nail Filing, Paw and Pad Treatments, and Massage lead the pack. 

Many of these extra efforts don’t take any more time to do yet add more income to you and the business.

Reduce Distractions

The average time to complete most small to medium-sized basic grooms is about an hour.  Bath. Dry. Haircut.

Minimize idle chitchat with coworkers, put your phone down, and focus.  Add up all the time you would spend talking or checking your social media feeds and you could possibly get one more dog done that day or go home early!

Be organized.  Searching for a comb, blade, or product takes up valuable time.  Remember what your mom taught you, “everything has a place and everything in its place”.     


Nobody likes their pet to look scruffy. Yet it seems just after their grooming, they get caught in the rain, in a mud puddle, or they roll in something distasteful in the backyard!  Consider offering a grooming maintenance discount for pets who can come in every week or two.  The pet will be in tip-top shape all year.  The pet parent can avoid mat fees and dirty paw prints.  And the groomer’s work can be much easier with pets who visit frequently.

Sharpen your skills, not just your shears!

Whether you are looking at Professional Grooming as a future career, or if you have been grooming for several years, there is always something to learn.

Continuing education

Seminars and grooming expos are great ways to network with others.  Books and Grooming Guides are another useful resource to have handy. Even the most experienced pet groomer/stylist needs a little refresher occasionally.  Books and Guides are also valuable to show a pet parent examples of trim options. 

Groomers can also join online memberships such as Hundreds of videos featuring top grooming talent are available for unlimited viewing.


Paragon’s Distance Learning Program ( is a web-based grooming instruction solution. It’s perfect for individuals looking to make Grooming their future. It is also an ideal resource for Salon Owners and Managers who find it hard to locate groomers. It’s designed for those who don’t have the time - or desire - to teach.

About the Paragon School of Pet Grooming

Founded by grooming industry icon, Melissa Verplank, Paragon is focused on the success and career development of pet professionals at all levels, beginner to expert.  Melissa has authored the industry’s most complete grooming guides such as Notes from the Grooming Table and Theory of 5.  Paragon offers grooming education at its On-Campus training center in Michigan. It also brings the on-campus experience to everyone through its Distance Learning Program and  Paragon is regarded as one of the best grooming schools in the world. Ms. Verplank and her team have created award winning platforms with traditional education programs and web-based learning tools.  

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