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May 2011

Canine Soak & Sugar Scrub Videos

This is a sequence of videos showing Max, a 13 year old American Cocker Spaniel who has had lifelong allergies & a plethora of secondary associated skin issues.

These videos should be watched in order, as they illustrate how to do a full soak & sugar scrub followed by a bath.  There is mention made of some massage topics, but this is not a massage video.  That is still to come!

Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse:

2 cup vinegar to 3 gallons of warm water

1/3c of dried Rosemary

1/3c of dried Thyme

Also added to Max's soak is

1 level cup of Epsom Salts per 5 gals of water

Fill the tub to desired depth with well warmed water, add your vinegar, then herbals & then salts & agitate well with your hands to dissolve the salts & allow the herbals to steep.

Let stand for about 10 minutes or until the water has become tepid.