Bath Club Membership for Groomers!
In the uncertainty of the World in which we live, as small business owners we must craft new ways to improve our profit margins. Finding a great service that your clients need now more than ever while creating a consistent revenue stream month after month is a win-win for pet grooming salon & client alike.
Through my e-book, I'm sharing with you a way to keep income flowing while you gear your business for full steam ahead! You have nearly everything it takes to implement this additional revenue stream right now!
Bath Club Membership | How To
e-book for Pet Grooming Salon Owners available for immediate download!
Many pet grooming salon owners are looking for ways to add an additional revenue stream with minimal output for maximum input. You already have the tub, the supplies, the labor (bathers) and the space to implement this new program. You don't have to buy expensive equipment or pay for a mountain of inventory. All you have to do is a little marketing, add a couple of website clicks, get your bather ready, and have a new revenue stream!
Of course there's a few more points we'll cover to ensure your success. Soon you'll see how adding this bath club membership is an affordable way to create more income, sell more products, and allow your bath club clients to be your best business cheerleaders! If you'd like to learn can download this 24 page e-book now immediately!
Click the link to get your e-book now. DOWNLOAD E-BOOK
Stay safe & Happy Grooming & Pet Retailing!
Leel Michelle